Next generation performance
Fast, flexible multibeam survey platform easily
launched from a mothership or from shore, ready to leverage the power of new multibeam systems with three times the survey speed
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
Extend weather windows and get more data while reducing risk as fewer personnel are needed at sea. Easy Launch & Rescue with practically any size crane also keeps people safe
Reduced carbon footprint
Fully electric propulsion with swappable batteries delivers unmatched performance and agility while reducing the CO2 footprint of marine data acquisition
New multibeam survey workflows
Unlock new cost and time-saving operations like ‘autonomous swarm survey’ with multiple interconnected platforms managed from a crewed or uncrewed mothership
Transforming the energy transition
Our fast and agile Autonomous Surface Vehicle is used for commercial multibeam bathymetric surveying and maritime security duties at offshore wind farms and other diverse maritime domains

Maximise resource allocation
Accelerate and optimise complex marine data acquisition workflows with a turnkey marine survey solution including on-site training and support from Subsea Europe Services.
Experience new levels of operator control flexibility, full & semi-autonomous, and human-in-the-loop operations.

Swarm surveying
Collect exponentially more marine data and massively reduce your marginal costs with large multibeam surveys using several Autonomous Surveyors.

Flexible multibeam payload
Using powerful R2Sonic multibeam echo sounder, the Autonomous Surveyor's hydroacoustic package can be configured to any subsea marine survey needs.

Launch & recovery
Developed for maximum safety and speed by our in-house R&D department, the Autonomous Surveyor Launch & Recover System (LARS) saves time at sea.

Additional sensors
As well as thermal camera, Inertial Navigation, GPS, and Sound Velocity, Autonomous Surveyor can be equipped with e.g., Side Scan Sonar and Sub-Bottom Profilers and chemical sensors